
How To Save Money With Pay Per Click Advertising

How To Save Money With Pay Per Click Advertising

You want more customers. What’s the fastest way to know if your offer attracts customers? Pay per click advertising (PPC).You might first disagree with this statement because you don’t want to have much of an advertising budget. That’s fine if you want to run your...

Marketing Ideas – Do You Chase Customers?

Marketing Ideas – Do You Chase Customers?

One of the most common & inadvertent mistakes small business owners make when looking for customers is chasing them. Think you have to convince people to become your customers? If so, you are focusing your promotional campaigns on satisfying your needs more than...

Small Business Owner Training For Your New Endeavor

Small Business Owner Training For Your New Endeavor

You passionately believe in your business that helps people live better. That’s good. If you are new to working for yourself, small business owner training is a must. The largest amount of time and money you’ll invest for your business will be on marketing skills....

Do You Speak Facebook Engagement?

Do You Speak Facebook Engagement?

In business, we establish relationships with others. We network with people sharing views with like-minded others who see life the way we see it. In marketing and advertising, we share life views using either keywords or common interests. For example, Google Ads uses...

Understanding Your Customer Avatar by Story Situations

Understanding Your Customer Avatar by Story Situations

You are in business to serve your market’s needs. To do this, it is necessary to see various story situations where you could solve a common challenge for your ideal prospect via your product or service. Once you can map out situations and repeatedly promote your...

Marketing Ideas – Do You Believe In Your Business?

Marketing Ideas – Do You Believe In Your Business?

Do you believe in your business? If so, your customers probably know it. Your actions speak louder than your words. Just SAYING you believe in helping your market and then only offering solutions they don’t want is not fully serving your market. Instead, it is not...

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